The Green Guide

Everything you Need to Travel & Live Sustainably
Sustainable Travel 101

Travel Like A Pro

1. Pack less- lighter travelers save emissions.

2. Bring a water bottle/purifier and ditch the plastic bottles.

3. Stay at green certified hotels. Try TravGanic a booking engine with all Green Hotels & Tours around the world

4. Transportation: choose sustainable modes (train, bike, walk) and buy carbon offsets if traveling by plane.

5. Choose SLOW sustainable travel, and take more staycations to reduce carbon emissions. 

5 Easy Steps to Be More Green

1.Recycle ♻️ whatever you can, reduce your consumption and be mindful of packaging waste.

2. Conserve water every day at home and while traveling.

3. Buy, eat and consume less. Food, clothing and resources last longer when we all use a little less.

4. Shop locally made and eat localaly grown products.

5. Walk, bike and use public transportation whenever possible.


Green & Fabulous Video Series 

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